me to jake

Dear Jake,
It is true that I paid you a lot of money and you provided services for that money,
this was all much prior to the payments in question.
The last payments of 2 - $2500 credit card withdrawals, I received nothing.
You telling me that you under-charged me for your product and service and gave me more (on the house stuff), but then, decided to use the $5k that was for the subscription price of special society 5 year membership(?), as compensation, instead.
1) I don't recall compensation for 2 - $1700.00? (week end) seminar tickets I bought, that was cancelled (I never complained about this)
2) I don't recall at the very beginning I purchased a lot of stuff and only got 1 or 2 items (I never complained about this)
3) I don't recall compensation for work at your house (I never complained about this)
4) I don't recall this $5k for compensation stuff. (this is the only complaint, I have made)
I have given you payments for a lot of stuff, never delivered, so the stuff you do deliver on, you want extra.
I guess being neighborly, don't mean a thing.
It is my fault for letting things go and waiting to see how things will work out, instead demanding a accountability of transactions as they occur.
You indicate how you, you, and you bent over backwards for me.
You fail to bring forward how I, I, I bent over backwards for you (1-4)
Your services were way more than compensated, before the last $5k transaction took place.
Your the one who will need a good, honest plumber some day, emergency or not, and can't find one. / More than I need 1-4.
I don't make charges or accusations falsely, your own documentation will back me up.
If I am wrong, which I doubt, I would owe u apology.
Need less to say, I am disappointed.
Finally after all these years, I now know, the bottom line.
I wish you would have made this clear, (I'm not getting any thing for this $5k, Jake feels that I was under charged in the past and this is the compensation), because, frankly, I would not have given you it, you tricked me, for your own selfish greedy needs.
I think some of your facts are missing misleading and incorrect.
ha, you don't recall Roy Kelly, the $10k I gave him for 10 days training in Vegas, at the end, in the elevator, his wife said, "if I ever figure this out, let em know".
Roy Kelly, then emailed me and was pissed cause, apparently you 2 were talking and my name comes up, you told him, what I emailed you, his wife said to me, on the elevator.
Another disappointment, I thought email between 2 people were some what private, especially talking about a 3 rd person. Oh well, it all was true any way, another lesson.
The truth will never change, hence the reason no one can tell the same lie twice.
My response to Roy, I said it is a true statement, you were right there, I did not say anything that was not true.
I stand behind what I believe in, hopefully, that is what makes good people.
I have nothing personally against you, I kind of like how a basically one man band can run the show. But I do have issues about what I mention above.
Mike Mars
ps - I'm tired or re checking spelling, grammar, I think the jest of what's on my mind, is here.